Motherwort Flower Essence


Motherwort (Leonorus cardiaca) encourages us to stay connected to our heart and our truth. Traditional bio-essentialist teachings depict motherwort as a feminine plant, but motherwort, like all plants, transcends the gender binary. Motherwort connects us to our softer aspects, teaching us that softness is power, that being is as important as doing, and that there is immense value in operating from the strength that lies within our tender heart. It reminds us that we grow and thrive when we tap into our soft strength, care for one another and connect into our graceful, calm, nurturing and creative aspects of self.

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Flower essences are a vibrational, water-based medicine. The healing qualities vary from flower to flower. Each essence carries the flower’s unique vibration which can support us in emotional wellness, harmony and balance. Flower essences are made in ceremony, using energetically charged water and sunlight or moonlight. They generally do not contain physical parts of any plant.

Motherwort (Leonorus cardiaca) encourages us to stay connected to our heart and our truth. Traditional bio-essentialist teachings depict motherwort as a feminine plant, but motherwort, like all plants, transcends the gender binary. Motherwort connects us to our softer aspects, teaching us that softness is power, that being is as important as doing, and that there is immense value in operating from the strength that lies within our tender heart. It reminds us that we grow and thrive when we tap into our soft strength, care for one another and connect into our graceful, calm, nurturing and creative aspects of self.

Instructions: Use intuitively. Try 1-3 drops under the tongue, or in a glass of water, 1-3 times per day. Notice how you feel after a few days and either stop there, working in cycles as you see fit, or take for 6 weeks for deeper healing. Also good for applying on the skin, using in rituals, ceremonies, meditation, adding to baths, or any other creative means that call to you

Ingredients: water, brandy, energetic preparation of motherwort grown in Oakland, CA

Note: The information provided here is for educational purposes only. These products and statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Descriptions of offerings should not be considered health advice or substitute care and guidance from a contracted medical professional.

Additional information

Weight 0.11 kg
Dimensions 4 × 6 × 1 cm