Cleavers Flower Essence
Cleavers (Galium acarine) is a good support for those struggling to develop secure attachment with themselves. If you’re someone who has had an attachment rupture as a child or in an adult relationship, or if you’re someone who has a history of self-neglect or self-abandonment, then cleavers will support you in sourcing your safety from within. They aid us in being present with ourselves, bring awareness to where we have gotten swept up in other people and other things, and help us resist the urge to look outward to find security.
Cleavers (Galium acarine) is a good support for those struggling to develop secure attachment with themselves. If you’re someone who has had an attachment rupture as a child or in an adult relationship, or if you’re someone who has a history of self-neglect or self-abandonment, then cleavers will support you in sourcing your safety from within. They aid us in being present with ourselves, bring awareness to where we have gotten swept up in other people and other things, and help us resist the urge to look outward to find security.
Cleavers (Galium acarine) is a good support for those struggling to develop secure attachment with themselves. If you’re someone who has had an attachment rupture as a child or in an adult relationship, or if you’re someone who has a history of self-neglect or self-abandonment, then cleavers will support you in sourcing your safety from within. They aid us in being present with ourselves, bring awareness to where we have gotten swept up in other people and other things, and help us resist the urge to look outward to find security.