Residence Reading and Healing Session


  • In this reading, I’ll tune into the energy of the place where you live, including your actual house, apartment, etc and/or the land around it. I'll look into what’s going on in the physical and energetic planes and then work with nature spirits and the keepers of that land to resolve issues, past and present, and bring healing. Just like humans, land tends to need energetic support from time to time. You’ll have the opportunity to learn about who shares the land with you, what may have happened in the past, as well as the chance to connect with any trees or plants on the land and the spiritual keepers of the area.

  • A residence reading may be for you if you’re someone who:

    • Has a curiosity about what’s going on around you

    • Feels creeped out by or uneasy in your space, like something funky is going on energetically

    • Feels like you have to energetically clear your house or land every day because of heavy “spiritual foot traffic”

    • Wants to feel an improvement in the energy of the place where you live

    • Wants to learn ways to connect to the land and it’s keepers, including the ancestral stewards of the land

    • Wants to learn rituals and practices that bring healing to the land you’re stewarding

    These readings are really nourishing and supportive. Land spirits tend to want to connect with us and this reading can be the jump-off point for an ongoing relationship between you and those who live on your property. Folks may also benefit from the clearing of any past pain or trauma, as well as any lingering earth-bound spirits that may be causing difficult experiences or trouble where you live.

  • For this type of reading it is beneficial for me to do the work in private and on my own timeline because residence readings require me to go into a trance state, which requires a lot of quiet and a variable amount of time. Our reading will be a report out of any findings as well as time to answer any questions you have.

  • I do not have the final say here. Prior to the reading, I will check in with and ask permission from the spiritual keepers of the land to do the reading. So far, I have received permission for each reading that I’ve attempted, but there is a risk that I will not receive permission when I ask for consent to do the reading. In that case, I will refund your money. I also ask that you live on the land where the reading is done.

  • Yes, you’ll receive a recording of our session that is yours to keep and reference.

Book a reading.