Gladiola Flower Essence
Gladiola (Gladiolus gandavensis) medicine at it’s core is medicine for grounding, pausing and responding rather than reacting. They ask us to turn towards difficult emotions instead of away – to lean into the pain instead of contorting out of it, so that it can be released, transmuted and composted. They support us in hitting the reset button, and stepping outside of our ego for a moment, which encourages forgiveness of self and others and brings clarity in difficult interpersonal experiences.
Gladiola (Gladiolus gandavensis) medicine at it’s core is medicine for grounding, pausing and responding rather than reacting. They ask us to turn towards difficult emotions instead of away – to lean into the pain instead of contorting out of it, so that it can be released, transmuted and composted. They support us in hitting the reset button, and stepping outside of our ego for a moment, which encourages forgiveness of self and others and brings clarity in difficult interpersonal experiences.
Gladiola (Gladiolus gandavensis) medicine at it’s core is medicine for grounding, pausing and responding rather than reacting. They ask us to turn towards difficult emotions instead of away – to lean into the pain instead of contorting out of it, so that it can be released, transmuted and composted. They support us in hitting the reset button, and stepping outside of our ego for a moment, which encourages forgiveness of self and others and brings clarity in difficult interpersonal experiences.