Goldenrod Flower Essence
Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis) helps us to deal with challenges with grace and ease. They are a good ally for when things feel too hard and we want to give up. They help us to break things up into manageable chunks and approach obstacles with lightness and equanimity. They help us to hold our values in mind, maintain our humanity in the face of things that demoralize us, and they show us where to find hidden resources in ourselves and our community. They help us to expand our ideas of what’s possible, and show us how to make our own assessments and follow our own path when there are lots of collective energies at play.
Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis) helps us to deal with challenges with grace and ease. They are a good ally for when things feel too hard and we want to give up. They help us to break things up into manageable chunks and approach obstacles with lightness and equanimity. They help us to hold our values in mind, maintain our humanity in the face of things that demoralize us, and they show us where to find hidden resources in ourselves and our community. They help us to expand our ideas of what’s possible, and show us how to make our own assessments and follow our own path when there are lots of collective energies at play.
Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis) helps us to deal with challenges with grace and ease. They are a good ally for when things feel too hard and we want to give up. They help us to break things up into manageable chunks and approach obstacles with lightness and equanimity. They help us to hold our values in mind, maintain our humanity in the face of things that demoralize us, and they show us where to find hidden resources in ourselves and our community. They help us to expand our ideas of what’s possible, and show us how to make our own assessments and follow our own path when there are lots of collective energies at play.