Energy Healing


  • Energy healing is a holistic practice where practitioners work with the energy fields around the body, including the chakras and the aura, to help balance, heal and remove energetic blockages from the body.

    Because these energy fields are constantly shifting, we often acquire misalignments and changes in vibration that result in physical or emotional dis-ease. Energy healing allows flow, harmony and vitality back into these fields. It can also be used to power greater transformation or healing.

    If you’re open, I’ll offer guidance or messages from your loved ones in spirit and guides as well.

  • Because energy healing supports healing of the mind, body and spirit, it can be beneficial for everyone. It may be especially beneficial for anyone who wants to:

    • Release stress or muscle tension

    • Soothe the nervous system

    • Be present with and release emotions

    • Get grounded

    • Tune up the energy centers

    • Clear the aura and bring in more authenticity

    • Create space

    • Quiet the mind

    • Connect to your vaster self and inner guidance

    • Clear cords, release entities/attachments, work with karma, contracts and vows

  • Everyone’s experience with energy work is different. Some people have sensation of energy moving throughout their body, relaxation, feelings of euphoria, feelings of being cared for, or vivid visualizations, images or colors. Some folks may experience an emotional release such as joy or tearfulness, or may receive insight into how to manage certain aspects of their lives. Some feel an immediate transformation. Some may fall asleep for the duration of the session. Some feel nothing during the session. All of this is normal. The effects of the healing may not be apparent, or may not be apparent until a later time.

  • Typically, no, but if you remind me to record the messages at the end of the session I'd be happy to do so.

Book a session.